
Komander is self-hosted and runs in Docker Containers.

Git provider

You will need a Git provider to connect with (for now only GitLab, more coming soon). Komander will use your Git provider for authentication and use its API to manage Projects, Repositories and tags.


To be able to login to your Komander instance, you need to configure your Git provider as an OAuth2 provider.

Be aware that the way you configure your OAuth provider is important! Every user that is authorized by it will also have access to your Komander instance.


Follow instructions here, using:

  • Callback URL: <your komander instance url>/auth/redirect
  • Scopes: api, read_user, openid, profile, email

Validate and take note of your application Secret (you will need it to set the KOMANDER_GIT_OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable).


Komander needs a MongoDB database to run. You can see in the installation instructions how to launch one with Docker Compose or Kubernetes, or you can use an existing instance if you'd prefer.